Get It Together Girl!

Get It Together Girl!

Secrets to Relationship Success

May 12, 2014

Both guests on this episode of Get It Together Girl Radio are committed to helping you have your best relationship. 

Janice Hoffman, relationship expert and author of Relationship Rules, was mentored by Dr. John Gray of Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus fame. While she acknowledges those differences, she goes beyond them to find what men and women share - the desire to love and be loved. She'll be reaching into her relationship toolbox, and sharing some tips on making your relationship stronger.

But, what if you aren't in a relationship? Or, if you are in a relationship but not sure if you should be? My second guest author Toni Henderson-Mayers has written Wise Courtship for you. She challenges singles to think with their heads as well as their hearts. She'll be giving some great tips on how to discover the true character of your love interest. We'll also be discussing red flags and how to find out how much you really know about your partner.

Whether you are married, divorced, engaged, dating or single, this show has something for you!