Get It Together Girl!

Get It Together Girl!

It's Not as Depressing as You Think

March 31, 2014

At some point, we will also experience the loss of a loved one. While death is never a positive event, how we handle this life-altering experience has a direct impact on your life. Authors Judy Brizendine (STUNNED by Grief) and Mardria Williams (When Sorrow Comes My Way I Look Up and Forge Forward) will be discussing how to work through this difficult and sometimes taboo subject by facing it head on and getting through it (although you never completely get over it).

Kartika Anderson will also stop by to discuss how she used art to overcome a life-long battle with depression. Her book is Turning Blue to Blue: How God Used Art to Life My Depression.

All three authors are women who have learned to turn a negative into something life-affirming and empowering. They’ll all be sharing their advice on how you can do the same.