Get It Together Girl!

Get It Together Girl!

Giving You More in 2014 - From Money Madness to Money Management

January 27, 2014

In our final installment on goal-setting and resolutions, we get down and dirty and talk about your money. Getting out of debt, saving more or just managing it better, money resolutions are right up there with diet resolutions when it comes to resolutions we make and then, later break.

Harris Glasser is the author of It's My Money and I Want It. He'll be discussing: keeping more of your money, cleaning up your credit, getting out of debt. Regardless of age or income, Harris has information, you need to hear.

We'll also be speaking with James Goi Jr, author of How to Attract Money Using Mind Power. He'll talk about using the law of attraction to attract finances into our life and explain how the laws of attraction and abundance really work.

It really is your money, so let's learn how to manage what we already have and get more in the 1-4!