Get It Together Girl!

Get It Together Girl!

From Small Changes to Big Results

December 30, 2013

Kara Hawkins is living proof that small changes can yield some big results ... big life-changing results. A mysterious illness that left her hospitalized was her wake-up call. It stopped her in her tracks and let her know that being 'too busy' was not an excuse for not taking care of herself. Through a series of small changes, she decided what mattered most to her and then began the process of making the changes that would get her there. In short, she became a true Get It Together Girl!

On Get It Together Girl Radio she'll share the steps she took to 'have it all' on her terms and in her own way. Now she's a better mom, a better wife. She’s healthy, feels great and has a successful home-based business to help others feel the same.Â