Get Grounded

#41: Kristelle Boulos | Capturing Intimacy and Soulful Connections, Creativity and Self-Care
Kristelle Boulos is a visual storyteller, capturing intimate & soulful connections around the world. On this episode of Get Grounded, she shares her story, from photographing special moments on the streets of Beirut, where she grew up, to making a career switch to take her passion full-time.
We talk about constraints and creativity, prioritizing what matters, designing your dream life and self-care above all else. A warm welcome to Kristelle, and special shout-out to @tanaimilgram, @felabibas and @taylor_ocean_cohen for connecting us.
Connect with Kristelle and learn more:
– @fromkbwithlove
Connect with Nirel and discover more Get Grounded:
– @getgrounded_
– Get Grounded on Spotify