Get Over It! Podcast

Get Over It! Podcast

Magical Aging

December 24, 2022
In Witch Wisdom for Magical Aging: Finding Your Power through the Changing Seasons, Cait Johnson shares how to use to power of the seasons to embrace your journey through the second half of life.

You are invited into the magical world of four loving, feisty old witches, one for each season, who share earth-honoring wisdom to help you embrace your journey through the sacred latter half of life. Each witch also shares magical recipes, inspiring rituals, playful activities, and meaningful meditations to help you love yourself through aging.

• Presents four loving, feisty old witches, one for each season, who share earth-honoring wisdom, rituals, and spells to help you embrace your journey through the sacred latter half of life

• Filled with magical recipes, inspiring ceremonies, playful activities, and meaningful meditations

You are invited into the magical world of four loving, feisty old witches, one for each season, who share earth-honoring wisdom, rituals, and spells to help you embrace your journey through the sacred latter half of life.

In Winter, the earthy Root Witch reminds us that bodies are made for pleasure and that Winter is made for dreaming. She offers spells, rituals, and ceremonies to reframe your perspectives on aging and promote acceptance of your changing appearance. She also shares secret recipes for a healthy, happy body, focusing on preparations that help maintain and restore hair, skin, and bone. In Spring, the airy Winged Witch offers a witchy approach to spring cleaning, both in the traditional sense and in self-understanding and relationships. She shares recipes and rituals for jettisoning the dead past, discovering your authentic style, adding magic to your clothes, and feathering your nest, so it feels like home to your spirit.

The fiery Summer Merwitch helps us to be more joyfully creative, with activities and wisdom to help overcome the obstacles that prevent us from fulfilling our creative dreams. She honors the senses, encourages us to embrace our sexuality, and gives us ways to express our fiery anger cleanly and powerfully. The watery Autumn Kitchen Witch shows us how to honor our harvests and ancestors, make peace with death and make every meal a celebration of life with magical recipes and rituals that bring joy to the soul. The Kitchen Witch also explores several goddesses and wise older women from folklore who can offer templates for a rich and spiritualized maturity.

Offering practical and enjoyable ways to make aging an empowering, magical, and transformative adventure, this book of spiritual guidance will help you love yourself through the aging process.

We talk about

  • Why do we resist aging
  • The word crone equals crown
  • How to trust your instincts
  • The for seasons
  • The power of saying no
  • The truth about life is everything changes

Cait Johnson is an author, counselor, teacher, playwright, performer, and witch. The author of six books, including Witch in the Kitchen and Celebrating the Great Mother, she trained with the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology and has a private practice as an editor and intuitive counselor in New York’s Hudson Valley.