Get Over It! Podcast

Get Over It! Podcast

Helene Williams’ Reiki Clinic at The Omega Institute

August 27, 2022

Reiki Master Helene Williams, BSN, RN, is the founder and president of the Lancaster Community Reiki Clinic in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. She is a published author, Reiki in the healthcare consultant, and has more than ten years of experience providing Reiki in healthcare settings. She will give a Reiki Clinic at the conference.

Reiki is being threatened in this country by proposed legislation that seeks to create standards for how we practice and teach Reiki. If licensure legislation passes in one state, other states will copy it. As a result, many will be forced to meet additional educational requirements, pay fees for licensure and pay fees in excess of many thousands of dollars to have their teaching programs approved. This will force many practitioners and teachers out of business.

Helene has worked in operating rooms. Nursing homes and doctor’s offices offer complimentary healing to the patient. Her work with hospice patients is renowned. She is in high demand for the Reiki healing she provides. Between the physician’s skills and the Reiki energy, she sends the patient the optimal space for recovery and healing.

Suppose you are interested in working directly with allopathic medical professionals. Helene’s training will prepare you to do so.

Helene is available to teach Reiki and meditation in hospital and corporate environments, along with providing Reiki sessions and teaching Reiki classes. Additionally, I provide contracted services to create holistic programs in health care settings. Her vision is that Reiki is embraced as a spiritual practice for healing, compassion, and well-being.