Get Over It! Podcast

Get Over It! Podcast

Transform Your Life

January 13, 2022

Spiritual teacher Jiulio Consiglio explains how The Healing Frequency can transform your life through the wisdom, power, and clarity of inner stillness.

Pain, Depression, Loss… We’ve all experienced it to some degree. Life in a downward spiral can keep you stuck, or you can choose to let it bring you to a place of stillness. Understand that there is a purpose to suffering. The Universe is not composed of random events or chaos but infinite intelligence. Our highest selves orchestrate the challenges we face to create the desire to shift and evolve into states of higher consciousness.

Inner stillness heals us of perceived separation between Source Energy and us.transform your life The vibrational frequency of inner stillness breaks down the egoic walls of fear and allows us to remember or join with our true, authentic, spiritual selves. Within the state of being, we enter into the quantum field, transcend limitations, and experience miracles.

How to transform your life

We have been conditioned to believe that the thinking mind is all there is and who we are. But the direct experience of inner stillness teaches us that we are much more than the ego- we are eternal beings having a human experience. The concept of oneness is embraced. Religion creates separation as it promotes only chosen few can access the frequency of the source.

Inner stillness is healing: it heals mind, body, and spirit. Being in a state of inner stillness, one is essentially the space of surrender. And in that space, we allow the Universe to express through us, which may y include healing on all levels of experience, physical and energetic. Thus one can transform their life.

Jiulio Consiglio is a former dental health care provider and educator turned spiritual writer and teacher. Following several personal adversities, Consiglio-while in his early thirties experienced an unfathomable and life-altering spiritual transformation that resulted in the transcendence of the conditioned mind. His writings and teachings focus on the transformative power of inner stillness and the mind-body-spirit connection.

His message is unadorned and to the point: there is life beyond fear and incessant thinking and it is found in the dimension of inner stillness. Jiulio currently offers his consciousness-based teachings to groups. His first book, Challenge Your Thoughts: Healing Mind, Spirit and Body with Truth was published in 2006. His second book, The Healing Frequency: Transform Your Life through the Wisdom, Power, and Clarity of Inner Stillness was published in 2016 and is a demonstration of the power of consciousness-to transcend that which no longer serves us in order to live the life we were meant to live. His latest book, Open Your Third Eye: Activate Your Sixth Chakra & Develop Your Psychic Abilities will be released June 2021