Get Over It! Podcast

Get Over It! Podcast

The Key To Digestive Wellness

October 13, 2021

Christopher Vasey, ND talks about his new book Restoring Your Intestinal Flora The Key To Digestive Health: Strengthen The Immune System, Reduce Inflammation, Rebuild Gut Health.

Our intestinal flora performs a large number of duties - far more than just aiding digestion. For example, recent research has revealed that our intestinal flora help fights off infections by killing microbes and viruses, increase our resistance to allergens and inflammation, cleanse our intestinal systems by neutralizing toxins. Due to this, we raise support to our moods and energy levels by interacting with hormones and neurotransmitters. Therefore the key to digestive wellness.

Christopher Vasey explains how to restore balance to your microbiome. He examines the many functions of intestinal flora and their role in a healthy immune system, including their anti-inflammatory effects and role in the creation of lymphocytes. He explores the major causes of weakened flora, especially the overuse of antibiotics and the overconsumption of refined foods, low-fiber foods, and he outlines the ailments and diseases that can result, such as bloating, food intolerance, mood swings, fungal infections, and greater susceptibility to colds and flu.

Providing everything you need to know for optimum digestive wellness, Vasey shows that repairing the balance of your intestinal flora is simple and accessible to anyone making it the key to digestive health.

We talk about

A layman's explanation of the intestinal floraThe three intestinal tracks and their purposeThe two major categories of bacteriaIntestinal tract and the immune systemThe correlation between the intestines and autoimmune disease and mental disordersPrebiotics and probioticsMicrobes in the stomachIntestinal mucousFlora of fermentationsFlora of putrefacationThe intestines and skin diseases

Christopher Vasey, ND, is a naturopath specializing in detoxification and rejuvenation. He is the author of several books, including The Acid-Alkaline Diet for Optimum Health, Natural Remedies for Inflammation, Liver Detox, Natural Antibiotics and Antivirals, and Good Sugar, Bad Sugar. He lives near Montreux, Switzerland.