Get Over It! Podcast

Get Over It! Podcast

Being Present to Overcome Addiction

September 26, 2019

Darren Cockburn is back sharing how being present can overcome addiction in his new book Being Present: Cultivate a Peaceful Mind through Spiritual Practice.

Being present opens the door for self-examination and healing on all levels. We focused on addictions for this interview, however, Darren shares how meditation, stillness, ego, and more affect the whole being.

Darren is passionate about helping people live in the present moment and cultivate a peaceful mind- through books, the media, and training. His acclaimed books Being Present and Living a Life of Harmony are available worldwide.

The books and teachings are based on a synthesis of Buddhist, yoga philosophy, the teachings of Eckhart Tolle and his own insights.

We talk about

How thinking may be the biggest addiction facing the human raceThe ego is a false sense of selfHow the ego establishes addictions to escape from facing emotional painHow to be aware and accepting of your experience in the present timeHow addictions are unskillful compulsive thought patternsHow addictions can only be released through being presentThe addiction cycleHow addictions are createdConscious meditation vs unconscious meditationHow to connect to your true essenceHow to release addictionsFear and stress can cause addiction