Get Over It! Podcast

Get Over It! Podcast

Migraine’s No More with Jan Mundo

June 28, 2018

Jan Mundo author of The Headache Healer's Handbook: A Holistic, Hands-On Somatic Self Care Program for Headache and Migraine Relief and Prevention, shares how to finally relieve headaches and migraines.

Do you or anyone that you know and love suffer from migraines or constant headaches? Share this podcast with them. The book shares step-by-step programs to eliminate headaches and migraines.

Consider these staggering statistics:

An estimated 37 million people in the United States suffer from debilitating migraines every year, 21 miillion of them are women
Migraine renders this population bedridden for 112 million days per year, affecting their work, family, social and school lives
Migraine is the seventh highest cause of disability worldwide

We talk about

What causes headaches and migraines
The importance of eating protein in the morning
Migraine and headache triggers
Medication overuse - how meds could actually cause your migraine
Natural carbs
Never eat sweets alone
Different types of headaches
How belly breathing can stop a headache

The Mundo Program is a mind-body self-care program for relief and prevention of headache and migraine. It uses practical instructions and exercises to help people manage their own headaches safely and effectively. Although it is a carefully structured, comprehensive action plan, it is not one size fits all but customized to fit the individual.

Program components include:

Experiencing the mind-body connection to headaches
Discovering, tracking, and eliminating headache triggers
Working with diet and headache-healthy foods
Relieving and preventing stress and pain through meditation, breathing, posture, ergonomics, and hands-on therapies
Developing awareness of attitudes, beliefs, behaviors, and mood, how they affect headaches, and vice versa, and how to overcome what is no longer useful

Jan Mundo’s mind-body program teaches headache and migraine sufferers how to relieve and prevent their symptoms naturally — without drugs and their side effects. Here she shares her powerful personalized, comprehensive program for the first time. In step-by-step instructions, she helps readers discover and prevent the triggers that perpetuate their headaches — and stop their pain on the spot with her unique hands-on therapy. In a caring and compassionate voice, she makes her techniques accessible to both occasional headache sufferers and those who have long felt misunderstood and misdiagnosed. Brimming with inspirational narratives, questionnaires, guidelines, tracking tools, and author-illustrated instructions, The Headache Healer’s Handbook answers the headache sufferer’s plea for help and offers hope for a headache-free future.