Get Over It! Podcast

Get Over It! Podcast

End Emotional Eating with Psychotherapist Julie Simon

May 22, 2018

Therapist Julie Simon joins me to talk about her new book -
When Food is Comfort: Nurture Yourself Mindfully, Rewire Your Brain, and End  Emotional Eating

Current brain science shows that a lack of consistent emotional nurturance in infancy and childhood, when the brain is being formed, can result in difficulties with self-regulation, causing us to seek comfort and nurturance outside ourselves, often in substances, like food, and behaviors such as overeating. The good news is that our history is not our destiny and the brain can be rewired.
We talk about

How to nurture ourselves
The difference between thoughts and emotions
How our body always remembers / how to break the pattern
Fel it and heal it
Stop dieting now!
How does one discover their natural weight
How to tune up your biochemistry
7 emotional eating mindfulness skills


Whether you’re trying to stop emotional eating, end a compulsive overeating problem, lose a large amount of weight, shed those last few pounds or just improve your health, Overeating Recovery has something for you.

You can move beyond your preoccupation with eating and weight, stop compulsive behaviors, eliminate the idea of dieting from your life forever, and experience a fuller, more satisfying life. Full recovery is possible. And I can show you how!
Can you imagine…

Being able to handle challenging emotional states without turning to food?
A nurturing voice within, capable of restoring you to emotional balance? 
Knowing how to quickly replace self-defeating thoughts with uplifting thoughts?
Loving yourself and your body, unconditionally?
Being able to set nurturing limits with yourself without feeling restricted?
Eating only when you’re hungry and stopping before you’re full?
Easily choosing foods that support your health and well-being?
Having a high-functioning body free of health challenges?
No more fear of degenerative health conditions?
Effortlessly releasing unwanted, excess weight?
An end to chronic depression, anxiety and mood instability?
Enjoying moving your body?
Getting restorative sleep every night?
Living more in the present moment?
Creating more purpose and meaning in your life?
Filling your life with nourishing connections?


Bio: Julie M. Simon, M.A., M.B.A., M.F.T. is an inspiring and motivating health and wellness educator and speaker with a keen psychological acumen and wealth of nutrition and fitness knowledge. Her decades of clinical experience are conveyed with passion, warmth, care and humor. She has presented seminars and workshops on overcoming overeating and associated mental health topics to both lay and professional audiences for the past two decades.