Get Over It! Podcast

Get Over It! Podcast

Jennie Lee- Yoga Therapist- Breathing Love

March 20, 2018

Certified Yoga Therapist Jennie Lee shares her newest book- Breathing Love: Meditation in Action
Jennie Lee offers hope to a world in Turmoil

Many of us have known love and for this, we are blessed. Yet, if you are like me, your capacity to love and to be loved is often tested by the daily trials of life and relationship. With mounting news of hatred, injustice, terrorism, and abuse, our world is in trouble and people are urgently asking, where is the love?

If you are ready to accept responsibility for the answer to this question by learning how to shift your consciousness from fear and negativity to faith and trust, this book is for you. If you would like to take a fresh look at what love is and what it takes to live it, beyond personal motive and desire, then you have come to the right place. If you are ready to open your heart beyond the constrictions of lack and defensiveness in order to become truly peaceful and powerful, then read on.

We talk about

How to live in the consciousness of love
How to shift your consciousness from fear and negativity, to faith and trust
How to practice conscious loving in daily life
How to develop receptivity to divine love through meditation
How to have a deep relationship with the Source of all love
You can never be separated from love because it is who you are. Love is your true nature. 
 All personal love you experience and express is a part of the one Source love.
The love you seek is around and within you now. You are deeply loved
 Forgiveness is another word for love. 

Reading the book you will learn to

Live fearlessly in the consciousness of love
Develop receptivity to divine love through meditation
Know and live from one’s most loving Self
Practice love in daily life
Integrate spirituality and physical life through conscious loving
Overcome the ego and access the soul for greater peace
Love beyond one’s current limitations
Have a deeper relationship with the Source of all love
Spiritualize relationships through more unconditioned love
Experience non-personal love for all beings
Find ultimate purpose in living a love directed life

Bio  Jennie Lee is the author of BREATHING LOVE: Meditation in Action and