Gentle Catholic Parenting Podcast

Gentle Catholic Parenting Podcast

Latest Episodes

Win Bedtime Battles with Rituals and Routines! (Ep. 23)
March 24, 2020

Practicing regular routines and rituals at bedtime is one of the best things we can do to reduce bedtime battles with our kids. In this podcast: Why kids do better with regular bedtime routines, tips for different types of bedtime rituals,

Dusting Off the Family Table (Ep. 22)
February 03, 2020

In this first installment of my family rituals podcast series, I'm talking about dusting off the family table! The family dinner is a wonderful everyday ritual for anchoring our day. It provides a natural opportunity for fostering conversation and conn...

The Secret to Enduring Happiness (Ep. 21)
January 09, 2020

Philosophers and theologians tell us that worldy pleasures and honor can't make us happy for very long; the secret to enduring happiness is self-transcendence. What does this mean, for parents in particular?

Why Pleasure & Success Won’t Make You Happy (Ep. 20)
December 23, 2019

It's true: pleasure and success won't make you happy; at least not for very long. Many people spend most of their time pursuing pleasure and success, but, In this show, I explain why they occupy the lowest rungs on the ladder of authentic happiness.

Gratitude in Tough Times (Ep. 19)
October 29, 2019

We're called to be grateful in all circumstances, not just in the good times. But, man, is it hard when life throws us a curve ball. In this episode we take a look at how we can recognize the graces God is sending our way even amidst the chaos,

4 Powerful Ways to Practice Gratitude (Ep. 18)
October 02, 2019

We know that grateful parents are happier parents, but it's hard in the often wild ride of parenting to notice the blessings that God is gifting to us! In this episode, I share four simple ways to make gratitude a habit that sharpens your awareness and...

The Benefits of Gratitude (Ep. 17)
September 09, 2019

Cultivating gratitude benefits parents in many ways, including better physical and emotional health. Most important of all, gratitude is the gateway to a holiness.

The Problem with Self-Pity (Ep. 16)
August 20, 2019

When life doesn't go our way, it's okay to feel badly initially, but as Catholic Christians we don't want to become stuck in self-pity. How can we break the self-pity habit?

Types of Alpha Kids (Ep. 15)
July 24, 2019

Why are some kids bossy and demanding? Or bullies? Or why do some kids try to tell us how to take care of them? These kids may have an alpha complex.

Tantrums in Big Kids (Ep. 14)
June 22, 2019

Big kids (and teens . . . and grown-ups) have tantrums just like toddlers! Big kids are beginning to develop emotional control, so what causes their tantrums and how can we respond to them in a developmentally safe way?