Gente Puente: Catholic Hispanic Ministry Best Practices

Gente Puente: Catholic Hispanic Ministry Best Practices

32. Building pastoral relationships with seasonal migrants

August 06, 2019

Patti Gutierrez

Fr. Vic Subb, GHM

Show Notes

Notas del Programa

In this episode, Glenmary priest, Fr. Vic Subb shares his experience of ministering to seasonal migrants for the past 30 years in the rural south and he gives us suggestions for how to develop these pastoral relationships.

Recommended Resources

Gente Puente Merch coming Sept. 1, 2019 at!

Fr. Vic Subb, GHM, pastor of Holy Family Catholic Church in Lafayette, TN

Glenmary Home Missioners

Campesino Outreach in Fresno, CA

Nacional Pastoral Migratoria [National Institute for
Migrant Ministry] of the Archdiocese of Chicago in July (in Spanish)

compiled by the Archdiocese of Chicago for Migrants, Immigrants & Refugees

Praying the Rosary with Our Lady of Guadalupe and Tales of Immigrants

Other episodes with Glenmary missioners

Fr. Steve Pawelk – Episode 3: Helping
Immigrant Parishioners through a Safety Plan

Kathy O’Brien – Episode 5:
Ministry with Hispanic Youth & Young Adults

Upcoming Events

* August 10,
2019: III Theological-Pastoral Conference (in Spanish) with the theme “Mary, the
Full of Grace” Flyer  Email
contact. * October 6 –
9, 2019 – Annual Conference of the International Catholic Stewardship Council
in Chicago, IL.   brochure.  * November
21-23, 2019 – National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC) in Indianapolis,


Greetings Gente Puente!  In this episode, Glenmary priest, Fr. Vic
Subb shares his experience of ministering to seasonal migrants for the past 30 years
in the rural south and he gives us suggestions for how to develop these
pastoral relationships.

To develop a relationship, is to be present. The Catholic Church needs to be always a lifeline to other people.  These people from other places have a confidence in the Church from where they come from and we can build on that credibility.Fr. Vic Subb, GHM

You can find a summary of today’s show and all the
resources mentioned as 

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