Gene Panel Podcast

Gene Panel Podcast

Latest Episodes

mRNA Technologies
August 08, 2021

In this episode, we discuss mRNA technology, specifically the COVID-19 vaccines. We talk about how they work to protect us from infections and how long this protection could last. We end off by coveri

Genetically Modified Organisms
May 11, 2021

In this episode of the Gene Panel, we discuss genetically modified organisms (GMOs). We go over some of the ways GMOs are made as well as some brief history regarding their inception. We also address some of the main public concerns and benefits associ...

Alien Antigens and the Antibody Repertoire
October 31, 2020

In this episode, Aideen and Julian talk about how antibodies contribute to making humans resilient to foreign pathogens. The episode starts by entertaining the possibility of a microscopic alien invasion to show generally how immunology can play a role...

August 25, 2020

In this episode, we invite the entire Gene Panel Podcast team to discuss our university experiences. Unlike other episodes, this one does not involve any genetics and is more of a conversation among fellow peers.

The Genetics Behind Jurassic Park
July 05, 2020

In this episode, Aideen Teeling joins us to explore the 1993 Jurrasic Park film from a genetics perspective. We delve into the logistics of reviving dinosaurs and debate some of the theoretical procedures associated with recreating and monitoring the e...

#3: SARS-CoV-2
May 23, 2020

In this episode we explain some of the science and technology behind the identification, characterization, and tracking of the virus responsible for the current pandemic that is COVID-19. We explain some of the safety practices that can aid in preventi...

#2.5: Anti-CRISPR: Phage Fight Back
March 08, 2020

In this supplementary episode we sit down with Dr. Alan Davidson, a joint professor of Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry at the University of Toronto. He and his colleagues discovered anti-CRISPR, so we ask him about the discovery process,

#2: Build-a-Baby: The Power of Gene Editing
February 25, 2020

In this episode we discuss CRISPR and the heavily debated topic of gene editing. We explore gene editing techniques used prior to CRISPR, and how CRISPR was discovered. We address designer babies (

#1: Are Genes Really What We Think They Are?
January 05, 2020

On the first episode of the Gene Panel Podcast, Alireza and Julian briefly introduce themselves as well as the podcast. They describe the podcasts genesis story and the motivation behind starting a s