Geek News Central Podcast

Geek News Central Podcast

Regaining your Privacy #1470

August 24, 2020

Today I start highlighting articles on how to regain your privacy in the digital world. As these types of articles are surfaced I will share with you ways to start regaining control of your digital footprint. Also tonight I will be linking to several of the conspiracy theories we have been presenting
Conspiracy Theory
–Airplanes do not use Jet Fuel
–Finland does not exist
–Eight Russian Urban Legends.
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Show Notes:

* T-Mobile Money
* Mark Zuckerberg reportedly warned Trump about the rise of TikTok
* What’s coming to HBO Max
* NASA isn’t worried about a pre-election asteroid 
* SpaceX to attempt to rare-on-shore Falcon 9 rocket landing
* US Army tests out robot-human buddy teams
* Tesla wants to use motion sensors to keep kids out of hot cars
* Samsung Week
* Best Chromebooks
* Taco Bell store of tomorrow 
* Apple reportedly reopening US stores
* Windows 95 is 25 years old today
* Apple apologizes to WordPress