

Ars Victor, Toys, Steve Debaun and Radio Bob

October 22, 2014

In the first 30 minutes, the geeks talk Toys with Radio Bob from Bob’s Radio Cafeteria heard exclusively on  During the second half of the hour, Steve Debaun from TripWest Games, the Designer of Ars Victor, the hot new one hour war game joins the geeks to talk their experiences with the great new war game that actually takes less than two days to play!

Talking about toys with Radio Bob is always a treat.  The geeks and Bob discuss all the toys they loved as kids including those Kenner Star Wars figures, GIJoe and of course, the bandwagon/fanboy toys like Transformers.  What were your favorites?


SO tell us about Ars Victor!

The geeks, not being huge war gamers, found Ars Victor to be a terrific experience.  Thanks to Steve from TripWest games, the geeks got their hands on a copy and were able to play several games to test the waters.

Of course, TinKnocker, who suffered an epic comeback defeat in the final game of play feels vindicated when Steve reveals that TinKnocker had actually used a tournament winning army, but you can’t undo LOSER!

Steve gives the geeks a lot of great advice on the game and a great overall description of the game itself.  He also lets the listeners know that if they visit and sign-in using either Facebook or Google they can go to the resources section and download the Print and Play rules to give everyone  a change to experience Ars Victor for themselves for FREE!

DM also reveals the Geeks new term for utter pwnage during the interview and it will be forever part of the geeks lexicon.


AND:  Coming up next week:  Dick Moves!  What are you favorite, or least favorite “Dick Moves”?  You never know who might join the show or what kind of shenanigans will ensue!


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