

BeAHero: There is an Opportunity: The Quest

October 22, 2014


DM spends his segment on ABC’s The Quest reminding everyone, ABC included, that “There is an Opportunity”.

On October 23, 2014 there is an opportunity to BeAHero.  While every day we have a chance to BeAHero, this Thursday is of particular importance so the fans of The Quest can send a message loud and clear to the decision makers at ABC:  Give us The Quest: Season 2.

As DM puts it in only ways he can, he let’s us know that no matter what happens with The Quest, “Why not be a hero?”.  Having done something good, is a reward in and of itself.

We the geeks of Geekline415 are extremely grateful to Rob Eric and all the producers for even the first season of The Quest, and we will continue to use our growing listenership to point them to The Quest and expose them to imagination and merge of reality that The Quest brought for us.

In particular DM explains how we all feel about the producers of the show, who have done nothing for us but shown us kindness, engagement, and given us the best reality show on television.


So after BeAHero, what’s for next week and The Quest?

Next week DM has promised to reveal his explanation of “Who in the hell is?”  Ole Roy, or Kim Jong Ralia, or Verlox the Emancipator, and many more of the characters the way he saw the Quest…… DM is truly a unique individual you will find.


We have a lot of fun with shows like the quest because of the built-in, standard-issue geek factor.  There aren’t many shows that allow one to stretch the imagination much less stretch it to a point where you can see yourself as part of the story.  The Quest brings us that.


We hope all of our fans, all of The Quest fans and people around the world will join us geeks in #BeAHero day and then join us on twitter to talk about it!


The post BeAHero: There is an Opportunity: The Quest appeared first on Geekline415.