

Celesticon and The Quest Season Finale

September 17, 2014

Tonight the geeks talk CelestiCon which is held on Labor Day weekend in the Bay Area and the season (hopefully not series) finale of The Quest!


Well, the season is unfortunately over and ABC’s The Quest comes to an end.  The kingdom is “saved” and the cheering crowds cheer the paladins as they march triumphantly away.

Overall it was a great ride.  The actors, participants, locations and everything were great.  This geek show was top shelf and we’ll miss it.

We won’t spoil any of the show, but suffice it to say that even DungoneMaster finds hope in the ending and he forwards his theory that perhaps not is all as it seems in the realm of EverRealm, he even suggest hijinks may be afoot!

The geeks definitely believe that without Bonnie it just was not the same, however, we find a new “One True Hero” in one of the paladins and perhaps a “One True Hero” in waiting at the very end.  The geeks ponder this possible revelation and express their hopes and doubts about a new season of The Quest.

The fact there may be more than one “One True Hero” is a good thing, because if you look at ABC’s website, they spoil the ending by having a picture of the winner as part of the download to watch the episode…. DOH!!!!


Talking CelestiCon

At the 27:00 minute mark, Kris from CelestiCon calls in and the geeks talk with Kris about CelestiCon 2014 and all the good things to look forward to for CelestiCon 2015.

Kris reveals the geeks favorite Jeff Dee and Manda will return in 2015 and lots of great things to look forward to.

As an event, CelestiCon is well organized, staffed by helpful and friendly people, and covers a larger swath of games from board games, to RPGs, to table top war games to all sorts of upcoming and even some unreleased games.

It is clear the geeks will be hitting up CelestiCon in 2015.

To prepare for CelestiCon visit their website by clicking below!


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