

ThreeSagesGames & Worst Video Game Characters ever

September 10, 2014

Everyone hates this Resident Evil 5 character!

In this week’s show the 4 Geeks for Geeks take on the hilarity of some of the worst video game characters of all time.  We all know that those annoying non-player characters or even worse a character you are forced to play that you (or anyone else) does not like is always a challenge and hurts game play, but some are worse than others.

Everything from let down final bosses that are built up to be great battles but end up to be a bummer to characters thrown in just to make the game more difficult.

What were your Worst Video Game Characters ever???


What else besides The Worst Video Game Characters did you talk about?

At the 26:00 minute mark we get a call from our friend Curtis at ThreeSagesGames and he joins us to talk about their existing and upcoming products that will build on the their flagship Realms of Wor and their exploration of this very rich content.

As they build out for the Savage World rules set, Curtis provides us with some insight into how their entire product line fits together and how you can enjoy yourself with their games like Elvish Checkers, Gnome Crystals and Dwarf Stones immediately, and how their products can fit into any campaign.

You can visit ThreeSagesGames at at any time, and you can also find their products on DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.


After speaking with ThreeSagesGames the gang talks video the latest gaming and movie news and finishes up with our now infamous community calendar including not one but two really strange cons that you might (or might not as the case may be) visit this weekend.


What is upcoming on GeekLine415?

We have tons of great things scheduled as suggested by you the audience and the folks we run in to at the cons and on the street.

We are going to talk about some new games just like we did about this week and we have some special guests coming our way that we will announce in upcoming shows.

We are also going to begin talking about the upcoming cons we will be attending including Avalon and others!

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