

The Quest Conspiracy Revealed!

September 10, 2014
This bonus episode of Geekline415 focuses on The Quest Conspiracy revelation


Dungeon Master blows the lid off ABCs  the Quest Conspiracy and the truth is revealed.  In this tongue in cheek look at the latest episode of their new favorite TV show, the Quest, the Dungeon Master finds what he calls the Quest Conspiracy and he relays it to all of us only the way one of the 4 Geeks for geeks can do.  His unabashed way of putting it reminds us there are no real geeks left in this game so how good can this world be and how much is it worth saving?


Dungeon Master looses his otherwise cooler demeanor talking about the latest happenings in The Quest as his hero Bonnie is eliminated leaving the 4 contestants left dubious geeks at best.  This upset the balance of the game in his opinion and he beings to wonder if the very point of the game be to get rid of the geeks all together.  Maybe what the geeks have been fighting is wrong thing!??!?!??


In his words “The Quest Conspiracy has been revealed and we are plunged into darkness.  Like taking the red pill or blue pill, either way, things will never be the same.  Bonnie encompassed the hopes and dreams of all true geeks and it was a frustrating week.  We certainly hope there will be redemption for the remaining cast members, but we also believe there will be a certain darkness that will not be lifted without Bonnie’s light and presence in the world of Ever-Realm”.


If you want to find out more, watch last weeks episode of The Quest at


You can catch the rest of the Podcast on our listen page:


You can listen live right on Tuesday nights at 8PM PST or in to studio 1A or any time via podcast!


The post The Quest Conspiracy Revealed! appeared first on Geekline415.