

ABC The Quest Bonus Coverage

September 04, 2014

ABC The Quest had a 2-hour special on Thursday 8/28.  The 4 Geeks discussed this on the air on 9-2 live.  We decided to go ahead and post this as a podcast to give our listeners a brief run down of what happened on the show.


Why ABC The Quest?

The Quest is a show like no other.  It has been a real treat on network television to be able to watch a fantasy reality show.  All the Geeks have been really jealous of the cast and the fun they got to have in the castle.  The entire show is really well done and leaves us with a sense that there might be an opportunity in the future for more shows of this type.  The entire fantasy genre has not been well explored by network TV for the last few years.  With advances in graphics and special effects, maybe we are getting to a point where shows like “Firefly” (That was on FOX) won’t be too expensive per episode to make and they will be able to carry a profit for the network, and last more than a single season or so for the viewers.

ABC The Quest has been in particular a great experiment because it has melded reality TV within a fantasy setting.  This is a new concept and although the ratings aren’t what they should be (In this author’s opinion) there is a glimmer of hope and perhaps there could be a chance to bump up a bit as we get toward the end of the game / show.  I don’t know if ABC will pick up another season of the Quest, but hopefully they will consider more shows like it in the near future.

Geekness has invaded every day society and TV media has been slow to catch up with a few notable exceptions like The Big Bang Theory.  BBT almost didn’t make it and almost did not get picked up because people thought the world might not be ready.  This Geek is happy to report, they were wrong.


To catch up on back episodes of ABC The Quest, visit and The Quest! on-line which airs on Thursday nights at 8PM PST.

Listen to the bonus coverage from our show below or subscribe and listen to the podcast on iTunes


The post ABC The Quest Bonus Coverage appeared first on Geekline415.