

Super Powers — The latest Podcast for 8/26!

August 02, 2014

Catch the latest podcast from 8/26! The geeks took on a few subjects this week with the premise being: If you had a super powers what would you choose??? Want to know what we chose? Take a listen! With every super power comes a responsibility, what would you do with the super powers you chose? Would you use it to save man kind or maybe use it only to support your own interests.


What else did we talk about besides Super Powers?

We then spoke out our new favorite geek show called “The Quest” (Available to watch on ABC, Thursday nights, 8PM PST or on the’s The Quest website). This weeks Quest was like no other. The challenges are getting more and more exciting. By adding swords into the repertoire the paladins now have a new weapon to learn. The paladins must face off against each other in the “Battle Dome”!!!!! This 1 on 1 on 1 combat area is awesome. Then the elimination challenge included smashing skulls with a sword, how geek is that??? A great show, hear all about it and our thoughts on the podcast. Long live the Grand Visir!


Come visit us at Pacificon Game Expo. in the middle of the Silicon Valley in Santa Clara California!  There will be some special guests and the 4 Geeks for Geeks will be there at the convention in the dealers room, and best of all there will be FREE D&D 5th edition play supported by Wizards of the Coast.  There will be a ton of pathfinder games and other miniatures games.  Maybe it is not quite a theme park for gamers but it would certainly be a good start?  Expect to have a lot of fun, and make sure you stop by the booth and say “Hello!”.  We’ll be giving away lots of stuff including stickers, t-shirts, and other fun stuff.  Maybe join us for an interview?  Answer a geek question and win a prize?  Or partake in our unique card game where you have to find all the story panel cards to complete your quest!


Listen to us LIVE every Tuesday at 8PM on by visiting our listening page where you can catch up on back episodes or join us live!  Click right here!


Listen to the 8/26 show below or subscribe and listen to the Super Powers podcast on iTunes


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