

GameHaus Game Cafe - Aug 01,2013

July 31, 2013

Listen to our chat with Terry and Robert aobut their exciting idea for a board game cafe called GameHaus. "We're opening the first board game cafe in Los Angeles, where great food and drink go hand-in-hand with great games! What is a board game café? The board game café concept has been popular in Asia for a few years now; customers visit the café and for a small cover charge (around $5.00 or so) they get access to an extensive board game library (which often runs into hundreds of titles) as well as food and drink options from the café. In North America, Toronto's Snakes and Lattes has run with this concept and since opening in 2010 they've had lines out the door and a shortage of table space from all the people who want to experience this unique hybrid with a huge game library and good food in one location."