

Sasquatch Game Studio's Primeval Thule RPG Setting - Jun 06,2013

June 05, 2013

Join us as we chat with Game industry veterans Richard Baker, David Noonan and Stephen Schubert who have united to found Sasquatch Game Studio, a design house and publisher devoted to creating “dream team†products for the hobby game market. Their first project, the Pathfinder- and Dungeons & Dragons-compatible Primeval Thule campaign setting, grew from the trio's shared love of pulp adventures—stories by Robert E. Howard (Conan), H.P. Lovecraft (Cthulhu), and Clark Ashton Smith. “Modern fantasy draws from two great inspirations: epics such as Lord of the Rings, and the adventure stories of characters such as Conan, Tarzan, or John Carter,†said Baker. “We feel that there aren't many game settings around that capture the action, savagery, and barbaric splendor of the sword-and-sandals tradition. That's the experience we want to deliver with our Primeval Thule setting.†The three Sasquatch principals collectively have 48 years of professional experience in the industry, mostly designing and developing D&D for TSR and Wizards of the Coast. Their first product—and the company itself—grew out of their ongoing Thursday night D&D game.

Roleplaying Gamesrss_tiny.gifitunes_trans.png | Pathfinderrss_tiny.gifitunes_trans.png | Dungeons and Dragonsrss_tiny.gifitunes_trans.png | Pulp Fictionrss_tiny.gifitunes_trans.png | Robert Howardrss_tiny.gifitunes_trans.png