

Dungeon Bastard and The World's Worst Dungeon Crawl - Apr 25,2013

April 24, 2013

While many game designers have battled to the death to win the title of " Author of the Worlds Greatest Dungeon Crawl!", it is only the truly bold who would endeavor to aim to be the author of "The Worlds Worst Dungeon Crawl!" Such boldness pales before the challenge thrown down by Bill Cavalier (aka The Dungeon Bastard). The Dungeon Bastard claims that he can not only design the Worlds Worst Dungeon Crawl, but that due to the fact that being a DM is the easiest part of the gaming experience Cavalier guarantees that his collection of hackneyed ideas and cliche box text will be one of the most enjoyable gaming experiences ever to grace the gaming community. Bold words...but if anyone can pull them off its The Dungeon Bastard. And Im not just saying that because he is threatening to garrotte me like Lasiviren the Dark or immolate me with a ritual that summons the Rain of Colorless Fire either.

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