

A Chat with Wesley Chu | Author, Kung-fu Master, Actor, Deat - Apr 11,2013

April 10, 2013

Join us as we chat with author Wesley Chu about his new novel THE LIVES OF TAO: "It follows Roen Tan, an out-of-shape loser, who finds his world turned inside out and upside down when a friendly alien hitches a ride inside his mind. Because this is no ordinary friendly alien: the entity in question is a secret agent, fighting an aeons-old war against the Genjix, a rival alien organisation hell-bent on destroying the Earth in their quest to return to their rightful place in the galaxy. And poor old Roen really has his work cut out for him. He needs to develop a stiff jab, make the grade as a covert operative and find a way to save the planet, all while being hunted by the deadly agents of the Genjix.". Wesley Chu's dreams as an NFL punter were quickly dashed when he learned at an early age that he was terrible at every sort of ball sport. Actually, he was bad at every single sport in the known universe that didn't involve hitting someone or doing backflips. Thus, he did what all ex-gymnasts/kungfu masters did: go into Information Technology while moonlighting as an actor. Since then, he has been following his new (and much less attainable dream than a NFL punter) dream of writing books – Science Fiction/Fantasy books with lots of action and no round objects.

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