Creative Genius Podcast

Creative Genius Podcast

Latest Episodes

Get Off the Rollercoaster (Joe McGuire & Matthew Tenzin)
December 06, 2022

Its a common dilemma encountered by many interior design firmsfeast or famine. When business is good, they are so busy with the projects they have, they are not thinking about where the next project

Prepare Now for the Coming Recession (Don Markland)
November 29, 2022

With inflation continuing to rise and governments pressing harder on the brakes to slow it down, it is all but inevitable that the economy in the U.S., and in many other countries besides, will go int

The Path You Make (Georgia Zikas)
November 22, 2022

Being an entrepreneur is hard work. But it does have its rewards, if youre willing to apply yourself, to be open to learning and change, and to stay focused on your goals. The key is to define and pu

Diversify to Grow Revenues (Bria Hammel)
November 16, 2022

Being a successful designer can open the door to new opportunities for growing your firms revenue besides taking on more clients or projects or raising fees. Use your knowledge of design and product

Breaking Your Smartphone Addiction (Rob Krecak)
November 08, 2022

Smartphones. You gotta love em. You gotta hate em. Theyre wonders of technology that far outperform anything the crew of the starship Enterprise had in their kit. But their easy access and razzle-d

Best Practices and Insights for Interior Designers (Ted Bainbridge)
November 01, 2022

Running a business is an education. You learn something new every day. Over time those lessons help you get better and better at managing and growing your business and at leading your team. Its usefu

The Inside Scoop on Hiring and Retaining (Ken Roberts)
October 25, 2022

These are unprecedented times for firms looking to hire interior design talent. The pool of active available candidates is small. Employees who already have jobs expect big returns in exchange for swi

You Don’t Know Until You Go (Dawn Brinson)
October 18, 2022

If youve never been to High Point Market, you dont know what youre missing. Yes, there are showrooms, design centers and expos where you can see some product and talk with a rep or salesperson. But

Get More Done with the Three P’s (Gail Doby & Erin Weir)
October 16, 2022

In this podcast, Gail and Erin talk about the three P's: policies, processes, and procedures. They're the foundation of a well-run business! If you're listening on your favorite podcast platform, read

Those Tricky Transitions (Gail Doby & Erin Weir)
September 06, 2022

As businesses grow and change, employees roles need to change as well. Making that transition from a former role to a new one, with different responsibilities and new relationships with the rest of t
