Gather Moms

Gather Moms

Episode 23: Meet Mama Mary

December 16, 2020

Mary, did you know? Of course she did. The angel Gabriel delivered a startling message to this unmarried teenager that she would be the mother of the MESSIAH and she BELIEVED. She went on to live out a life that proved she knew her God and believed what He said and gives us hope that we can be that kind of mama, too.

Join us for this look into this famous Christmas mama and for a little Christmas sing-a-long of our most loved and most detested holiday songs. Hint: Kate has a real problem with a certain song about shoes.


Mary Did You Know by PentatonixChristmas Shoes by NewSongFeliz Navidad by Jose Feliciano"Próspero año y felicidad" from Feliz Navidad means "a prosperous and happy year"

Gospel Truth:

Luke 1:26-38Luke 1:42-45Mary's Magnificat: Luke 1:46-55Mary treasured and was amazed: Luke 2:19, Luke 2:33, Luke 2:51You are chosen, dearly loved, holy, crucified with Christ, no longer a slave to sin, accepted by Christ, indwelled by the Holy Spirit, set free, God's masterpiece, sealed with the Holy Spirit and given every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus.

What is your ONE thing?