Gather Moms

Gather Moms

Episode 14: Meet Mama Naomi

October 19, 2020

Traditional grandmas are for the movies. Our modern-day Grandma wears trendy sneakers, is a 'Coupon Queen' and would do anything for her grandbabies. Naomi, from the Old Testament, is reminding us that God's people are not immune to heartache and loss. Her deep suffering incited a bitter heart, but she found herself restored by God's blessing of a new family and grandson. We are loving the winsome spirit of this GrandMAMA and are reminded that God can redeem our suffering for good. Thank you to the Bible for including a book called Ruth that highlights the fortitude and faith of Naomi and her daughter-in-law.


Winsome is defined as sweetly or innocently charming, winning and engagingWe are Christ's Ambassadors and we represent something bigger than ourselves. We can point our children and friends back to God and give him the glory for what only He can do in our lives.Modern day Ambassador --> Leader + InfluencerCan we be fully restored this side of heaven? No, this earthly body is broken and we live in a world of sin and despair. One day we will see God in all his glory and everything will be made new. Until then we mourn the past but look forward to the future; a future held in the hands of God himself.

Gospel Truth:

Psalm 119:1032 Corinthians 5:16-211 Peter 5:6-11

Action Steps: How do we teach our kids restoration?

When there is a break in the relationship we ask forgiveness and pursue healing.There are circumstances and things we cannot restore with earthly power. So we pray for our children and ask God to teach them the things we cannot.

Thank you to all the grandmas who have prayed hours, days and years for their children and grandchildren. Only God knows the cry of your heart on behalf of your family.

What is your ONE THING?