Gather Moms

Gather Moms

Episode 5: To Hug or Not to Hug

August 17, 2020

To hug or not to hug? As we reenter social situations I feel like this question is going to come up. Social distance for some is still in full effect and how do you tell if someone is a shaker, elbow bumper or none of the above? Join Kate and Rebecca as they discuss the difference between introverts and extroverts and even make some diagnostic guesses for a few Bible characters. Whatever we are, let's embrace this coming opportunity to jump back in to people, places and possibilities!


APB - All Points BulletinSynonyms for a woman's bosom: ping pongs, zoongas, top parts. Just so you know, these options are not listed in the online thesaurus, only in Kate's mind.Kate word - hellacious means remarkable, astonishing, formidably difficult.Ambivert means one whose personality type is intermediate between extrovert and introvert.WWJD "What Would Jesus Do?" became popular in the 1800's and again in the 90' as a personal motto for Christians.

Action Steps:

Embrace the opportunity to go out and socialize again.Get creative with seeing one another in a positive interaction.Check on somebody!

Gospel Truth:

Jesus is an ambivert. Extrovert: Matthew 9:35-36, loved people, had compassion on them, healed their disease. Introvert: Matthew 14:23, pulled away by himself to pray and send time with the Father in prayer.

Sanctification is the process by which something/someone is made holy and set apart.

Please know that there is nothing in scripture that refers to any of these biblical characters as introverts or extroverts. We are 100% guessing and firmly believe that this does not affect eternal salvation. Hopefully Jesus got a chuckle with our uneducated guesses.

Ephesians 2:8-10

What is your ONE THING?