Garden Way Church Sermons

Latest Episodes
Christmas 2024 – Enduring Hope
The song of Isaiah 9 previews the story of Christmas, the story of moving out of the darkness and into The Light.
Together We Overcome – Week 12 – The True Grace of God
Peter knows that, like him, we all stumble. We all get knocked down and fooled by the crafty, schemes and counterfeit truths
Together We Overcome – Week 11 – The Biblical Role of Elder
How should the local church function when it is sensing that the world around is unfriendly, harsh or even antagonistic towards the
Together We Overcome – Week 10 – A Theology of Suffering
In this text Peter gives us five reasons for Gods people to rejoice, even in the midst in suffering. (1 Peter 4:12-19)
Together We Overcome – Week 9 – Get Your Head In The Game!
In this text Peter teaches us to aim for big things by means of the smallest obedience. There are four specific duties
Together We Overcome – Week 8 – Finding Purpose In Suffering
This section of text from 1 Peter reminds us that God will call us to be obedient to Him and sometimes it
Together We Overcome – Week 7 – Suffering For God & Others
In the midst of the twists and turns of life many of us know we are to be a blessing to those
Together We Overcome – Week 6 – Taking Initiative For One Another
This message addresses marriage, as well as other significant relationships in our life, and how our faith and standing as citizens of
Together We Overcome – Week 5 – Submission & Opposition
In this text Peter exhorts the believer whether a citizen under an oppressive government or a slave under an oppressive master
Guest Speaker – Nick Adams
Nick and Lindale Adams have served in Zimbabwe for nearly 30 years with A to Z Christian Mission. Their focus is on