Gallery Covenant Church - St. Paul, MN

Gallery Covenant Church - St. Paul, MN

Latest Episodes

Acts 4 // Praxis/Pyros - Proclaim what you've seen
September 11, 2017

Praxis - Pyros: Proclaim what you've seen

Acts 4 // Praxis/Pyros - Turning To God
September 03, 2017

In Acts 4 a story of healing and an imperative to turn from sin are paired together.  We are reminded that turning away from something isn't enough:  what are we turning toward? 

Acts 2:42-47 // Praxis/Pyros - Fellowship of Believers
August 20, 2017

The result of the Resurrection was a community that looked and acted differently.  Acts 2 shows us some valuable hallmarks of that new movement, halmarks that should be a challenge us to go deeper into our commitment to live the Gospel. 

Acts 2:14-41 // Praxis/Pyros - Both Lord and Messiah
August 13, 2017

Praxis/Pyros - Acts 2: Both Lord and Messiah

Acts 1: 12-26 // Praxis/Pyros - Pray and Lead
July 30, 2017

Praxis/Pyros - Pray and Lead Acts 1: 12-26

The Feels - Psalm 139
July 16, 2017

The Feels - Psalm 139

The Feels - Alone
July 02, 2017

The Feels - Alone

The Feels - Love Rooted in Action
June 25, 2017

The Feels - Love Rooted in Action

The Feels - Rage/Curse/Enemy
June 04, 2017

The Feels - Rage/Curse/Enemy

The Feels - Joy/Hope/Invitation
May 21, 2017