Galactic Driftwood
Latest Episodes
E46 - The Crawl w/ Benito Garcia
Rocks fall! Give me a Dexterity Save. This week we're joined by Dungeon Master Benito Garcia from GO-RPGs to talk about our recent adventures in Dungeons and Dragons. Benito is hosting a campaign for the Galactic Driftwood crew and we're going to talk ab
E45: Viral Loading Time
The Galactic Driftwood crew discusses the various diseases in genre fiction
E44: Star Trek: Picard
This week we're talking about Star Trek: Picard and other things "Trek".
E43 - The Witcher
Toss a coin to your Witcher, O Valley of Plenty! We've got a lot to talk about this week on Galactic Driftwood. We've got the premier of the Witcher on Netflix, a new season of Lost in Space (also on Netflix) and Season 4 of The Expanse from Amazon Prime
E42 - Rise of Baby Yoda
Cue the title drag, it's time for more Star Wars talk! This week we're joined by Jenna (a Sith) and Cata (a Jedi) to talk about all the Star Wars stuff that we didn't talk about last time around. We're going to talk about possibly the biggest thing to ha
E41 - Rise of Skywalker
Time to engage that hyperdrive for one last (not really) visit to a galaxy, far, far away. This is it. The end of the saga, so it's only right that we, your highly distractable hosts of the Galactic Driftwood Podcast should gather and discuss J.J. Abrams
E40 - Krampusnacht
He's made his list. He's checked it twice. Now Krampus is coming to the Galactic Driftwood Podcast! Stu Burns is back for another round to talk about Krampus, and other dark Christmas legends. Christmas isn't always cookies and candy canes in every part
E39 - Bird Bird Murder Bird
Don't miss this power-up! This week Chris Cata joins us again for a high-level (see what I did there) discussion on video games. The Galactic Driftwood crew has varying degrees of experience with gaming, from the devoted to the casual observer. This week
E38 - Roll for Initiative!
This week we rolled a nat twenty! We’re bringing you a big show this week! To start off, part of the Galactic Driftwood crew went to Anime Nebraskon to partake in the sites, sounds, cosplay and nerdery. We talk about our experiences there and about the
E37 - Mad Science in Zombieland
Listen to our review of Zombieland 2: Double Tap and other assorted topics