FYI - For Your Innovation

FYI - For Your Innovation

Latest Episodes

The Blockchain Mindset with Dr. Alex Cahana
April 23, 2020

In this virtual, remote, distant world we need to make sure that the technologies that support us can transfer information that is accurate, safe and trusted. For today’s episode, we had Dr. Alex Cahana join us to speak about the role Distributed Ledger

Embrace The Move To Automation
April 21, 2020

From manufacturing to universities, companies and institutions are in turmoil across the board. During the time of COVID-19, businesses are being forced to look for better, faster, or cheaper solutions to the problems that they’re facing.

A World of Contactless Payments
April 09, 2020

The current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has saturated media across the globe. The information available to us is vast, expansive, and can be all-consuming. But a lot of this information is, understandably, geared heavily toward medical and social top

Powering Online Education with Chip Paucek
March 31, 2020

This week we are joined by Chip Paucek, 2U’s Co-Founder and CEO. 2U is one of the leading online education software platforms. At ARK we often say disruptive innovation gains traction in tumultuous times. There’s perhaps no better example than in the edu

How Innovations in Genomics and Biotech Can Help Us With The COVID-19 Crisis
March 26, 2020

As the coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to strengthen its grip across the globe, it’s natural to feel a sense of dread and despair. However, we believe that tumultuous times can be the best catalysts for innovation, and this pandemic is no exception. In

Business As Usual During Coronavirus – How Innovation Enables Work Remote
March 24, 2020

Here at ARK we are always talking about disruption and now we are faced with huge disruption. The coronavirus outbreak has massive implications on many levels for the whole world, not least of which is the need for many people to work remote where possib