FYI - For Your Innovation

FYI - For Your Innovation

Introducing Big Ideas 2023

February 09, 2023

On today’s episode of FYI, we will be featuring last week’s episode of In The Know, a monthly video series on which ARK CEO and CIO Cathie Wood discusses fiscal policy, monetary policy, market signals, economic indicators, and innovation. On this specific episode, Cathie weighs in on M2 growth, interest rates, inflation, auto sales, and bitcoin. Additionally, she highlights ARK’s Big Ideas 2023.

The Big Ideas highlighted in this year’s report include:

  • Technological Convergence
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Digital Consumers
  • Digital Wallets
  • Public Blockchains
  • Bitcoin
  • Smart Contract Networks
  • Precision Therapies
  • Molecular Diagnostics
  • Electric Vehicles
  • Autonomous Ride-Hail
  • Autonomous Logistics
  • Robotics and 3D Printing
  • Orbital Aerospace

Watch February’s Episode of In The Know.

Download the full Big Ideas 2023.