FYI - For Your Innovation

FYI - For Your Innovation

Best of 2022 – FYI Podcast Compilation

December 30, 2022

As the year comes to an end, we would like to thank everyone who listened to the FYI — For Your Innovation podcast. In this final episode of 2022, we compiled some of our most interesting podcast episodes for you. Please enjoy this summary and tune back in when we return in 2023.

1. Space, Business, and the Business of Space with Jared Isaacman from Shift4 Payments (Ep. 127)

Chief Futurist Brett Winton and Autonomous and Robotics Director of Research Sam Korus interview Shift4 Payments CEO and Chairman Jared Isaacman. Brett, Sam and Jared discussed the Polaris Dawn mission, Jared’s passion for spaceflight to further human space exploration, and some of the tangible philosophies that he took from SpaceX. (Listen to the full episode)

2. The Future of Web3 Games and Digital Ownership with Polygon Studios CEO Ryan Wyatt (Ep. 146)

Next Generation Internet Director of Research Frank Downing and Associate Portfolio Manager Nick Grous sit down with Polygon Studios CEO Ryan Wyatt to unpack The Future of Web3 Games and Digital Ownership. Ryan also comments more generally on the buy-in to decentralization, interoperability concerns, and his perspective on the realities of the metaverse. (Listen to the full episode)

3. Personalizing Private Wealth with Titan CEOs Joe Percoco and Clay Gardner (Ep. 151)

Analysts Max Friedrich and William Summerlin talk to Titan co-Founders and co-CEOs Joe Percoco and Clay Gardner about their mission to personalize private wealth. In that episode, you’ll hear how Joe and Clay met and founded their online investment platform, their mission and vision, how they remove the ‘middleman’ in hedge-fund-like investing and more. (Listen to the full episode)

4. Breaking Down Biotech Innovations with Dr. Bob Langer (Ep. 156)

Analyst Ali Urman and ARK advisor Dr. Charlie Roberts are joined by MIT professor, chemical engineer, scientist, inventor, and investor Dr. Bob Langer. Dr. Langer has over 1,400 granted or pending patents, has been cited 374,000 times and counting, and was a co-founder of Moderna. In the episode, Ali, Dr. Langer and Dr. Roberts discuss emerging biotechnologies, the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare and potential time-to-market accelerators for new therapies and vaccines. (Listen to the full episode)

5. Innovation is the Ultimate Leveler with Steve Case (Ep. 164)

Steve is one of America’s most renowned entrepreneurs as a co-founder of America Online (AOL). Currently, Steve serves as chairman and CEO of Revolution LLC, which focuses on investing in the next generation of founders, especially in the 47 states outside of California, New York and Massachusetts. In the episode, Steve and our CEO Cathie Wood discuss why he thinks entrepreneurs are vital, the value of research toward innovation, why Steve thinks you should be optimistic for the future of America. (Listen to the full episode)