FYI - For Your Innovation

FYI - For Your Innovation

Breaking Down Biotech Innovations with Dr. Bob Langer

October 27, 2022

Today’s guest is MIT professor, chemical engineer, scientist, inventor, and investor Dr. Bob Langer. Dr. Langer has over 1,400 granted or pending patents and has been cited 374,000 times (and counting)! As a co-founder of Moderna, he has great insights into the potential of mRNA to treat diseases of various descriptions. Joining us to pick this extraordinary mind is clinically trained entrepreneur, Dr. Charlie Roberts. In this conversation, we discuss emerging biotechnologies, the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in this space, as well as what might be attributed to the current downturn of the market. Dr. Langer lists potential time-to-market accelerators for new therapies and vaccines and shares his advice for those looking to make an impact from an academic and/or entrepreneurial standpoint. Tune in to hear more about the innovations Dr. Langer has been involved in over the years, and what we can look forward to in the future!

Key Points From This Episode:
  • Dr. Bob Langer highlights his favorite patent.
  • Dr. Langer’s career achievements.
  • Some factors impacting the current biotech market downturn.
  • The correlation between magic and science.
  • What mRNA is and why it’s an ideal candidate for treating disease.
  • The personalized cancer vaccines Merck and Moderna are currently developing.
  • Under what circumstances mRNA isn’t the solution.
  • The emerging biotechnologies Dr. Langer is most excited about.
  • The applications of organs on a chip.
  • The potential of AI in the biotech space.
  • Potential time-to-market accelerators for new therapies and vaccines.
  • How to make an impact in the academic and entrepreneurial biotech spaces.
  • The importance of understanding intellectual property.
  • The team aspect of innovation.
  • Dr. Langer’s tales of perseverance.
  • Strategies for enforcing IPs.
  • Dr. Langer’s delivery expertise.
  • How he’s balanced his work and family life over the years.