FYI - For Your Innovation

FYI - For Your Innovation

The Dust is Settling in the Cryptocurrency Market

August 18, 2022

Today, ARK analysts Frank Downing and Yassine Elmandjra and research associate David Puell join the For Your Innovation podcast to provide an update on the cryptocurrency market. Tuning in, you’ll hear all about what the last three months have meant for cryptocurrency, what led to Three Arrows filing for bankruptcy, where we are in the broader cost basis of the market, the state of the current decentralized finance (DeFi) infrastructure, and the biggest learnings from this turmoil. We also discuss how we believe all of this might play out for Ether, the path to recovery, the implications of the security regulation uncertainty of Coinbase, and the Tornado Cash incident. We even give you ARK’s market analysis of the broader price action featured in The Bitcoin Monthly! Be sure to subscribe to the Bitcoin Monthly, here.

Key Points From This Episode:
  • What the last three months have meant for cryptocurrency.
  • What led to Three Arrows filing for bankruptcy.
  • A market analysis of the broader price action that was featured in July’s edition of The Bitcoin Monthly.
  • ARK’s view of where we are in the broader cost basis of the market.
  • ARK’s conclusions from this turmoil and the state of the current DeFi infrastructure.
  • How all of this might play out for Ether in the short and mid-term future.
  • ARK’s metrics showing that the path to recovery could be well on its way.
  • The recent security regulation and uncertainty around some of Coinbase’s listings.
  • The Tornado Cash incident and its implications.


Please note, companies that ARK believes are capitalizing on disruptive innovation and developing technologies to displace older technologies or create new markets may not in fact do so and/or may face political or legal attacks from competitors, industry groups, or local and national governments.

ARK aims to educate investors and to size the potential opportunity of Disruptive Innovation, noting that risks and uncertainties may impact our projections and research models. Investors should use the content presented for informational purposes only, and be aware of market risk, disruptive innovation risk, regulatory risk, and risks related to Deep Learning, Digital Wallets, Battery Technology, Autonomous Technologies, Drones, DNA Sequencing, CRISPR, Robotics, 3D Printing, Bitcoin, Blockchain Technology, etc. Cryptocurrency Risk. Cryptocurrencies (also referred to as “virtual currencies” and “digital currencies”) are digital assets designed to act as a medium of exchange. Cryptocurrency is an emerging asset class. There are thousands of cryptocurrencies, the most well-known of which is bitcoin. Cryptocurrency generally operates without central authority (such as a bank) and is not backed by any government. Cryptocurrency is not legal tender. Federal, state and/or foreign governments may restrict the use and exchange of cryptocurrency, and regulation in the U.S. is still developing. The market price of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have been subject to extreme fluctuations. Similar to fiat currencies (i.e., a currency that is backed by a central bank or a national, supra-national or quasi-national organization), cryptocurrencies are susceptible to theft, loss and destruction. Cryptocurrency exchanges and other trading venues on which cryptocurrencies trade are relatively new and, in most cases, largely unregulated and may therefore be more exposed to fraud and failure than established, regulated exchanges for securities, derivatives and other currencies. Cryptocurrency exchanges may stop operating or permanently shut down due to fraud, technical glitches, hackers or malware, which may also affect the price of cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrency Tax Risk. Many significant aspects of the U.S. federal income tax treatment of investments in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are uncertain and still evolving.

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