FYI - For Your Innovation

FYI - For Your Innovation

Immunotherapy Part 2, with Dr. Daniel Chen MD PhD

May 29, 2019

On today’s show we welcome Dr. Daniel Chen MD PhD, formerly Vice President, Global Head of Cancer Immunotherapy at Genentech/Roche and now Chief Medical Officer at IGM Biosciences to continue our current exploration of immunotherapy in the fight against cancer. In April we spoke to Charles Graeber, author of The Breakthrough, and today we are very lucky to welcome Dr. Chen, one of the leading pioneers of immunotherapy from Charles’ book. In the show he furthers our understanding of the state of cancer immunotherapy and its recent advancements. Dr. Chen expertly balances the excitement and passion around the amazing leaps that have been made with a keen sense of purpose and caution around over playing the hand medicine has currently been dealt. We chat about Dr. Chen’s own experience in the field over the last 20 years and what it has meant in the last decade to bring the latest drugs to market. Our guest unpacks a host of the technical terms and concepts, so that even the most uninitiated can grasp the basics of immunotherapy for cancer. We go on to talk about which forms of cancer are seeing the best results in response to immunotherapy and why, what the next few years may look like and the important role that big data, machine learning and AI can play in the progress we so badly need. For all this and more be sure to tune into our show today!