FunkZone Podcast

FunkZone Podcast

Episode 051 Live at MichaelKate 091815

September 23, 2015

A live chat with painters Iben Vestergaard and Tom Post
Another successful Funk Zone Art Walk and another successful talk at MichaelKate!
Serious listening pose!!
Iben Vestergaard
Jan Ziegler--who you will hear mentioned in the recording--curated this show called Mood Swings featuring three Santa Barbara artists and on Friday night I sat down with two of them, Iben Verstergaard and Tom Post, to talk art. (The third, Rosemary Gelbart, was out of the country.) Vestergaard used a type of medium called silicate paint, which was not designed for painting canvases, but houses. She gets some very etherial looks from it, which need to be seen in person. They sort of glow.Tom Post creates earthy abstracts that flirt wtih representation and--whether he knows it--speaks of his Texas upbringing. Post's pre-art career is interesting and briefly get into this.Here are websites for all three artists:
Iben Vestergaard
Tom Post
Rosemarie Gebhart
Thanks again to MichaelKate for inviting me to host this event! Event photos by Zofia Kowalik.
Mood Swings is up through November 29, 2015 at MichaelKate Interiors..