FunkZone Podcast

FunkZone Podcast

Episode #042 Mayor Helene Schneider

July 21, 2015

The very arts-friendly mayor of Santa Barbara
We've never had a politician on the podcast...until now! Mayor Schneider has been a strong supporter of the arts in Santa Barbara and I wanted to see if she was amendable to a  sit-down chat. So I reached out on Twitter and in about 30 minutes we got the okay. It took a little bit longer than that to set up the actual time, but still, very fast compared to what I thought might happen.
We sat in her City Hall office and had the chat you're about to hear. Our Mayor is originally from New York, and we talk a lot about that. You're in for a treat. And who knows? In a year or so she might be our Representative in Washington.
The Mayor has her own City website here, and her Twitter is here.