FunkZone Podcast

FunkZone Podcast

040 Live at Michael Kate 07.03.15

July 08, 2015

Opening night panel for Body Electric with James Tutwiler, Kimberly Pratt, Karen Zazon, and Ambra Tesora
Yes folks, it's our bi-monthly chat with the artists in the latest show at MichaelKate Interiors, curated by Jess Hinds.
James Tutwiler
James Tutwiler lives in L.A. after retiring from the gallery world. He has this website but not much else. The above photo is the only one I could find of him, btw.
In Perfect Health
Kimberly Pratt
Kimberly Pratt paints in acrylic but with other media, including resin, glass and metal. From her statement: "My work is mixed media painted, mostly acrylic, though currently I am working to add digital paintings. The paintings are highly textural with deep cuts and multiple raised surfaces. I especially enjoy the "magic" aspects of kiln fired glass, of raku, and other similar media... where you work and then you watch things come into your work without personal intent."
Her website is here
Karen Zazon Karen Zazon used to be known as Karen Pendergrass, just in case some people are looking for her under that name. She had many nudes and figure studies in the show:
Her website is here
Ambra Tesori

Ambra Tesori was born in Rome, Italy, and after many years turned to vibrant, colorful painting, some of it abstract, some, like this show, nudes. Her website is here.