FunkZone Podcast

FunkZone Podcast

Episode 23 Live at MichaelKate March 2015

March 11, 2015

A live version of the FZ podcast at the Psyched opening
Howdy folks! Having presided over a few art talks recently at MichaelKate Interiors--a swanky furniture store in the heart of the FunkZone that also puts on art shows--I asked to turn the last one into a live podcast. The intro you hear is the usual, but the recording happened Friday, March 6, 2015 at the store, sitting on comfy couches with the three artists in the show: Deborah Lee Baker, Joaquin Howard, and Elmira Lilic.
The show, "Psyched" was curated by Jess Hinds, who, like Ms. Lilic is/was a model, and that's how they met. All three artists are from L.A., and are tied to Ms. Lilic in a professional way...working in the same building. That's how it happens, folks! One day you're checking mail in the break room and the next you are hanging your work 90 minutes to the north.
Here's a brief bio/description of each artist, but for the full deal, listen to the podcast!

Elmiria Lilic works at the non-profit Playground of Dreams, paints and sells her cards on Etsy.
Deborah Lee Baker has a PhD in Counseling Psychology and you can check out her paintings here.
Joaquin Howard is a painter, songwriter, novelist, chef, photographer, actor, podcaster, jewelry maker and other things as well. He has a site here and a Soundcloud and Instagram.