FunkZone Podcast

FunkZone Podcast

Episode 022 Maria Rendón

March 04, 2015

Fine artist and former graphic designer
Maria Rendón recently finished her Masters at UCSB and has a new show up at SBCC's Atkinson Gallery to prove it. Called "Missing Rib," it's a collection of her watery acrylic abstracts that float on the paper's surface, and offer ghostly shapes that recall Francis Bacon and maybe a little bit of David Lynch or Picabia. Influenced by the Mexican surrealists, she left Mexico City to study at the Art Center in Pasadena.

Topics discussed include Missing Rib - the new show and the reference Working with watery acrylic That fine line beyond representational art What to do with people's interpretations Her childhood as a young existentialist The influence of Remedios Varo Her transition to graphic designer, "a thinking illustrator" What's the division between graphic design and fine art? The process of unlearning and turning off parts of the mind Her working process "I'm always in the middle of something"
Other people and things mentioned Matt Mahurin Phil Hayes Dwight Harmon Joel Nakamura Gilles Deleuze on Francis Bacon Nicola Tyson Félix González-Torres
Missing Rib is up through March 27, 2015, at the Atkinson Gallery.
She has a website here and her graphic design work is here.
Meanwhile, I will be moderating the artist talk at MichaelKate, Friday, March 6, called "Psyched Out" where I'll be chatting with Deborah Lee Baker, Joaquin Howard, and Elmira Lilic.