FunkZone Podcast

FunkZone Podcast

Episode #015 Jillian McDonald

January 27, 2015

Multi-media artist and horror film fan
Jillian McDonald got into horror movies later in life, but after working on video art pieces on Billy Bob Thornton and Brad Pitt, she turned her attention to zombies, just before the undead became "big." She plays with the narrative expectations of horror movies, either delaying, refusing, confusing, or inverting cliches.

Her current touring video installation Valley of the Deer comes from her extended stay at Glenfiddich's art residency program. (Yes, the distillery!) and features figures wearing animal masks looming menacingly in the misty, mystical landscape. Currently at SBCC's Atkinson Gallery, this three monitor, 48 minute piece is odd and hypnotic. It is accompanied in the gallery by her drawings of the film's characters. And by using the Layar app, at various locations around the gallery and certain locations in Santa Barbara, you can see the characters waiting for you in augmented reality.
Topics discussed:
Valley of the Deer's origins The best length for video art Working with the Layar app The non-influence of You're Next The influence of Scottish legends Justin Bieber, and the cutlure of awareness Narrative structure of post-'80s horror Growing up in Edmonton and living in Winnipeg Winnipeg's Gothic sensibility Reading Stephen King novels as a kid A very scary-sounding babysitter job Turning to art in high school How storage space can determine the art you make One of her early New York works involving clothing Her "zombie makeup" piece Why zombies are the most horrific mythology "Field of the Dead" and "The Scream" and "Zombie Loop" Slow zombies > fast zombies Horror movies in the cinema vs at home The Walking Dead comic vs. TV show Future work, turning away from monsters The Blair Witch Project Primal horror in the woods and her live performance in Sweden Lilith Performance Studio Haunted houses and paying to be kidnapped Dressing up as a zombie Would she ever make a feature
Films referenced: You're Next The Wicker Man Kill List A Field in England The Shining Cujo Carrie Halloween Night of the Living Dead Wolf Creek Poltergeist Children of the Corn The Blair Witch Project

Ms. McDonald was in Santa Barbara briefly to install and attend the premiere, and thanks to the Atkinson's Sarah Cunningham for setting up this interview. Being a horror film fan and a filmmaker, I had a great amount of fun in this interview.

Valley of the Deer is up through February 20, 2015 and admission is free.
Outside of Santa Barbara, the show is also on view right now at Montreal's Centre Clark through Feb 21, 2015. It will also be touring to Air Circulation in Buffalo, NY May 16 – June 22 and Waterloo, Ontario later in the year.

Valley of the Deer from Jillian McDonald on Vimeo.
Her website is here