FunkZone Podcast

FunkZone Podcast

Episode #069 Parry Gripp

April 06, 2016

Lead singer of Nerf Herder and creator of Song of the Week!
Today on the show we have musician and lead singer of Nerf Herder, Parry Gripp. You may know them from their first hit, Van Halen, from their first album in 1996, back in the day when MTV showed music videos. They’ve got their sixth album, Rockingham out right now, their first in eight years. Here's a track:
But if you have kids, like pre-teens, or maybe you are a kid, you’ll know Parry from the numerous songs he’s written for the Song of the Week site. Songs about cute animal internet memes—he’s got ‘em, he’s immortalized them. Spaghetti cat? Yes. A monkey riding backwards on a pig. Yep. Got that too. And it all started with this ode to waffles:
We’ll talk about how he went from punk to kids music, along with scoring songs for the Disney Channel shows and more. The man is a restless, creative person, and I’ve been wanting to talk to him for ages. But we’ve never really sat down and had this chat, until now.
You can find the band at and Parry himself at's also on Instagram and of course on YouTube.
Here's some more of my personal favorite Gripp ditties: