FunkZone Podcast

FunkZone Podcast

Episode #062 Annamaria from Vajra

February 17, 2016

Lead singer from rock band Vajra
Today on the show we have Annamaria Pinna from the rock band Vajra, who were just in town in January playing a gig at Velvet Jones and so I was lucky to get a chance to talk to their lead singer before she and the band left for their gig. In fact, while we chatted, the band was in the room with us, because that's how bands travel. Here is photo proof!

Annamaria and I recording this episode. We turned off Big Brother. Thanks to Campbell Youngblood Peterson for taking this photo!!

If you follow Vajra's music you know it's hard to pigeonhole, and that's probably why you like them. There's a bit of hard rock, some metal, in there, some goth, but also a lot of Eastern spirituality as well as Eastern drone and Eastern scales.

They are on the web at and on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as vajratemple. Notice the lack of the definite article, there, by the way.
And a big thanks to Catherine at Electric Sex Enterprises for bringing them to town and setting up this interview.