FunkZone Podcast

FunkZone Podcast

Episode 059: Jonathan Crow

January 27, 2016

Artist, writer, etc. Jonathan Crow photographed in his Los Angeles, Ca home.

Artist of Veeptopus, who put octopuses on vice presidents' heads, as well as filmmaker and writer!
Today on the show we have artist and fillmmaker and writer Jonathan Crow, who is currently making his name with the success of his Veeptopus series, pen and ink watercolors of every single vice president with an octopus on their head. He was just recently featured on BuzzFeed and also on Huffington Post, and, if you haven’t seen these works, let’s just say you’ll learn a little bit of American history and you’ll learn a little bit of marine biology along the way, and when was the last time you could say that?

What also makes this episode special, apart from cephalopods, is that Jonathan Crow is one of my dearest and oldest friends, and we’ve kind of shadowed each other creatively since we first met back in Japan, after we had both graduated. We didn’t know each other at first—I was from Santa Barbara, and he was from Boston—but we soon found ourselves in the same circles and we found that we had the same tastes, and not many others did. And so began a friendship that’s lasted to this day. We know where all the bodies are buried after many, many years of debauchery, however we don’t talk about that on the show for legal reasons.

So expect an interview shot through with reminiscences, especially because when we were recording this, Jon was in the process of moving his family up to Silicon Valley from Los Angeles. We tried to not make it too insider-y for you all and I hope you enjoy it.
You can find Jon’s work at Veeptopus and follow him on twitter at jonccrow. He's also on Etsy. And on Instagram. He's everywhere!
Also! Here's that Russ Meyer film we discuss at length:
But we didn't know at the time it wasn't Russ Meyer's voice, but the incredible John Furlong.
And the trailer to Blind Beast:
And Possession: